"Growing in knowledge, rooted in Christ"

School Board


Richard Beals, Board Chair


A native Oregonian, Rich Beals served in the US Military as a combat medic with Mountain Rescue of the German Red Cross (DRK).


Rich earned a degree in Forestry, after which he was employed with the US Forest Service in contracts, fire control and air observation. He also received a degree in Psychology, after which he joined the University of Oregon Medical School psychiatric crisis unit, and the Oregon methadone program for the treatment of heroin addiction.


For twenty-eight years Rich was employed with a roofing manufacturing company, eventually holding the position Senior Vice President and General Manager for Wholesale Distribution. He retired in 2014.


Rich currently serves as Chairman of the CTV School Board, a position he has held since 2015.




Saundra Rassi


Saundra first started a private kindergarten while living in The Dalles, Oregon. Four years later she began a career as a kindergarten and primary school teacher with the Reynolds School District in Fairview, Oregon. During her thirty-nine year teaching career, Saundra trained in the SlingerlandĀ® Multisensory Approach, a methodology involving a simultaneous, multisensory, structured approach for teaching language arts to dyslexic students in the classroom, which she then taught to graduate students in Washington, Oregon, Arizona and Texas.


After retiring in 1995, Saundra learned the art of floral design, becoming a master judge in the process. She is a member of the Sunny Hills Garden Club, and leader of the CTV “Junior Sunny Hills Garden Club” for four and five year olds. She is also state chairman for the fall poetry contest open to K-8th grade children, sponsored by the Oregon State Federation of Garden Clubs.


Saundra is happy to serve as a member of the CTV School Board.




Diane Mather


Diane holds the degree Masters in Teaching (Pre-K through 8) from George Fox University in Newberg, Oregon.


She has worked with young children for over forty years within varying contexts, Christian and secular, including nineteen years with the Lake Oswego School District. For three years following her retirement from LOSD, she directed the preschool program at Immanuel Lutheran Church. Diane has designed educational curriculum for two school districts in Abilene, Texas.


When relaxing, she enjoys gardening, reading, watercolor painting, and peach iced tea.


Diane joined the CTV School Board in 2021.

Christ the Vine Lutheran School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, tuition assistance, or any other school administered programs.